Is Ovarian Cyst Causing You Nightmares?
Is Ovarian Cyst Causing You Nightmares?
Here Is A Natural Remedy To overcome Ovarian Cysts Naturally And Boost Fertility With No Adverse Effects…
This woman got rid of 2 cysts on her left ovary totally. See the scan results before and after below for confirmation;
Here is another one;
Below is another one;
Stop wasting your money on drugs and injections that are not helping you!
Let our natural remedy help you overcome problematic ovarian cyst and its complications in the most natural way possible and with no adverse effects.
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled growths in a woman’s ovaries. This may happen in just one or both of the ovaries. Usually, ovarian cysts are harmless and often go away on their own.
Sometimes though, ovarian cysts can grow so much that they rupture, or cause damage to the ovary. They may grow so much they cause displacement of the reproductive organs or twist themselves.
Damage from a ruptured ovarian cyst may cause scar tissue build-up, and/or the formation of adhesion, attaching the ovary to other parts of the internal body.
Ovarian cysts are most common in women of childbearing years, but can rarely develop in postmenopausal women.
A woman’s ovaries are about the size and shape of an almond. It is amazing that something so small and delicate as that can hold thousands of eggs at birth. It is also quite amazing that something so small can develop a cyst. In fact, ovarian cysts can become quite large over time.
Thankfully, there are natural remedies that can help your body to rid itself of the cysts naturally and without surgery.
Functional Ovarian Cysts
During a woman’s natural cycle, the ovaries produce follicles, which are like a cyst and contain the egg to be released during ovulation. As ovulation nears, the follicle begins to grow. Follicles also produce and release both oestrogen and progesterone.
An ovarian cyst that forms due to a malfunction in the follicle is known as a functional cyst.
There are two types of functional cysts;
Dermoid cyst
These cysts are considered complex and develop from cells that produce human eggs. Because of this, these types of cyst may contain hair, teeth, or skin. They are rarely cancerous.
This type of cyst develops from ovarian tissue and is filled with liquid or mucous.
A polycystic ovary develops many small cysts in a row, looking like a strand of pearls on the surface of the ovary. PCOS is a common endocrine disorder. Not all women diagnosed with PCOS have ovaries that have these types of cysts.
This type of cyst forms when endometrial cells attach to the ovary and form a growth (endometriosis).
The last 3 types of ovarian cysts above may cause damage to the ovary, including twisting, scar tissue and adhesion formation. Both Dermoid and Cystadenomas may cause the ovary to become very large and displaced.
Polycystic ovaries: This is associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), the ovary may be enlarged, usually twice the size of a normal ovary.
Most women that have ovarian cysts don’t even know. Usually there are no signs or symptoms. Most ovarian cysts are discovered during a routine physical exam. The larger a cyst is, the more likely it is to cause symptoms. Symptoms may include;
Note: See a Doctor immediately if you have excruciating pain, nausea, vomiting and/or bleeding from the vagina during any point in your cycle.
Below are some ways ovarian cysts can affect the female reproductive system;
Ovarian cysts disrupt the delicate process of the menstrual cycle, potentially preventing the release of a mature egg during ovulation. This interference not only diminishes the chances of fertilization but can also lead to irregular menstrual cycles, making it challenging for women to predict their most fertile days and thereby reducing the chances of pregnancy.
When ovarian cysts grow to a significant size, they can exert pressure on surrounding structures, causing alterations in pelvic anatomy. This distortion may impact the proper alignment of the uterus and fallopian tubes, creating an environment less conducive to the seamless journey of sperm meeting egg—essential for successful conception.
Large cysts, particularly those located near or on the ovaries, can obstruct the fallopian tubes. This physical barrier prevents the egg from traveling through the fallopian tubes to meet the sperm for fertilization. The hindrance in this crucial step of the reproductive process significantly reduces the chances of conception.
Ovarian cysts can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance essential for reproductive health. Imbalances in hormones like progesterone and estrogen, which regulate the menstrual cycle and support pregnancy, can lead to irregular periods, difficulty in ovulation, and even contribute to the development of conditions affecting fertility.
Women with ovarian cysts face an elevated risk of developing endometriosis. This condition involves the abnormal growth of tissue outside the uterus, affecting the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The presence of endometriosis can lead to fertility challenges by causing inflammation, scarring, and distortion of reproductive organs.
If specific types of ovarian cysts are left unaddressed, they can pose risks during pregnancy. Large cysts may increase the likelihood of complications such as miscarriage or preterm birth. The presence of cysts can also complicate the normal physiological changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, necessitating careful management and monitoring.
Do you see why it is important to take care of your Ovarian Cysts right now without any further delay?
And we’ve got your back!
We are happy to introduce to you…
Ovarian Cyst Remedy Kit
Comprising of the Anti-Cyst Capsule and the Anti-Cyst Tea which are 100% safe, highly effective and organic!
From the stable of Plan B Wellness Nigeria Limited
A fully registered natural health and wellness company in Nigeria licensed to consult, produce, import, export, market and sell natural health products.
We are licensed by the Lagos State Government Traditional Medicine Board as Certified Traditional Medicine Practitioners.
We serve the populace with highly potent and effective 100% natural health solutions, products and services worldwide!
Our natural ovarian cyst treatment clears out excess oestrogens and cysts while working to prevent future ones from being created in the following ways;
The ingredients are all natural
Results are fast and obvious
There are NO adverse effects
To get rid of;
2. Fertility Cleansing Herbs
The fertility cleansing herbs contained in our Ovarian Cyst Products work to;
Below are more real time testimonies and feedback about our Ovarian Cyst Remedy Kit;
Here is another one:
Treatment Duration = 3 Months (12 weeks)
(12 weeks)
(6 weeks)
Ovarian Cyst Can Cause;
Ovarian torsion is a painful twisting of the ovary. It can occur when enlarged cysts cause the ovary to twist around itself. Symptoms can include an abrupt onset of severe pelvic pain, nausea, and vomiting. Ovarian torsion is a medical emergency requiring surgery to untwist or remove the ovary as fast as possible.
The larger the cyst is, the more likely it is to rupture. Some ruptures cause only mild symptoms that can be managed with pain medication, but in other cases, a ruptured cyst can cause severe pain in the abdomen and bleeding; these symptoms require immediate medical attention. Vigorous activity that affects the pelvis such as vaginal intercourse increases your risk for rupture when diagnosed with big ovarian cysts.
Cysts can develop in response to a pelvic infection (called an abscess). If an infected cyst ruptures, it can trigger sepsis, a life-threatening immune response to harmful bacteria. Women with infected cysts sometimes require hospitalization for surgical drainage of the cyst.
Women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) — an infection of the pelvic area generally resulting from gonorrhoea or chlamydia — are more likely to develop infected ovarian cysts. The bacteria from these sexually transmitted diseases travel from the cervix into the uterus and may cause cysts to form. These cysts are filled with bacteria that can lead to sepsis if they rupture.
If left untreated, benign cysts can cause serious complications including: Infection – the cyst fills with bacteria and pus, and becomes an abscess. If the abscess bursts inside the body, there is a risk of blood poisoning (septicaemia).
Do you see why it is important to take care of your Ovarian Cyst right now without any further delay?
1. Prepaid Option
Kindly go ahead and make payment accordingly into our company’s account details as follows;
Full Ovarian Cyst Remedy package = N49,900
Half Ovarian Cyst Remedy package = N29,900
Bank Name – Zenith Bank
Account Name – Plan B Wellness Nigeria Limited
Account Number – 1228832130
Payment Confirmation
After payment, kindly send your payment notification to us via whatsapp or SMS on +2348099666658 for confirmation.
After the confirmation, you can then go ahead and fill the order form to place your order for us to know where to send your package to.
To place your order, kindly fill the form below.
After successful payment, kindly complete your ordering process by filling the form below so that you package can be processed and delivered ASAP;
Do not fill this form if you have not paid
2. Payment On Delivery Option
This option is available nationwide (within Nigeria only).
This means we will ship the package to you anywhere you are within Nigeria and you will pay for it only when you receive it.
Delivery Fee: N2,500
Kindly note that there is delivery (commitment) fee of N2,500 to be paid ahead of the delivery.
Why paying delivery (commitment) fee of N2,500 ahead?
Over time, we have realised a lot of people take undue advantage of the pay on delivery services when they know they are not really ready to buy the package (in most cases financially).
We only offer natural remedies, we do not run a courier firm. It costs us money to send pay on delivery packages which get undelivered most times due to non-availability of the receiver. It even then costs more to get the package retuned to us by the courier agent. That’s double losses!
Therefore, we are introducing this delivery (commitment) fee of N2,500 to know those who are really ready to get the package only. Once the package is delivered, the exact amount of the package ordered for will be paid.
Use the company’s account details below to pay the N2,500 delivery/commitment fee;
Bank Name – Zenith Bank
Account Name – Plan B Wellness Nigeria Limited
Account Number – 1228832130
Payment Confirmation
After payment, kindly send your payment notification to us via whatsapp or SMS on 08099666658 for confirmation.
After the confirmation, you can then go ahead and fill the order form to place your order for us to know where to send your package to.
To place your order, kindly fill the form below.
Once your order is received as well as the delivery/commitment fee, the treatment QUESTIONNAIRE will be sent to you (via whatsapp or email) and your package delivery process will begin immediately.
Do not fill this form if you are not in Nigeria and if you have not paid the delivery/commitment fee.
If you do, your order will simply be ignored.
Walk in to our office Monday through Friday (9am – 5pm) to pick your package up and pay right there.
Please Note: That all our herbs are freshly prepared and packaged based on orders to preserve potency. They are not off-the-shelf herbs that you can walk in to buy. Therefore, you have to place an order ahead and state the exact date you are picking it. With that, the exact package you order for will be prepared and packaged for you for pick-up in our office.
Office Address: 53, Governor’s Road, Anisere Bus Stop, Ikotun, Lagos
Whatsapp/SMS/Call: +2348099666648, +2348099666658, +2348099666649, +2348099666650
Email: (24/7)
Office Address – 53, Governors Road Anisere Bus-Stop, Ikotun, Lagos.